From Promise to Peril

The Questionable Rise and Fall of Gorbaniov

Doesn’t this look like a store brand Superman logo?

Investigating GOR

Alright, crypto enthusiasts, let's do this. Investigative journalist time! We're diving into the twists and turns of the Gorbaniov (GOR) project and hitting all new depths. This story is packed with more tech and intrigue than an AI trying to cheat at reverse-engineering a Rubik's cube. And we're going to tackle it all with the gravitas of an IRS auditor assigned to the Panama papers.

The Gorbaniov project didn't just waltz onto the crypto stage; it practically kicked the door open with a showstopping audacity, announcing itself as a hard fork of the acclaimed Kaspa blockDAG. As a new crypto network that took years of research, forking Kaspa is an incredible feat. More like uncredible, but we'll get there.

It was on the Kaspa Discord where the intrigue began. A user named Kyiv Pool, seemingly the conductor of the GOR project, revealed that they had successfully forked Kaspa, and with the help of AI (lol), no less. Their statements ranged from the technical, such as mentioning their reliance on proxy servers, to the humorous and self-deprecating, openly joking about the difficulties of reverse-engineering Kaspa's "cutting-edge tech."

Kyiv Pool's announcement that the Gorbaniov project would employ the Blake3 algorithm caught more than just a fleeting glance from the crypto community. For some, particularly GPU miners, it was a statement filled with promise and intrigue. Why? Because Blake3 was being erroneously branded by many as 'ASIC resistant,' a notion that can be pretty appealing to those in the mining world who don't embrace the specialized ASIC hardware.

In the vast mining landscape, ASICs are the giants, the specialized beasts built solely for mining. They're known for their sheer power and efficiency. Still, their dominance often overshadows the smaller players in the field, particularly GPU miners. While less powerful than ASICs, GPUs are more accessible and versatile, appealing to individual miners and small-scale operations. They symbolize a more balanced mining ecosystem where everyone has a fair shot.

“ASIC resistance” as stated on the GOR homepage.

Blake3's supposed ASIC resistance, though again not accurate, seemed to offer a glimmer of hope for this balance. If it were true, using Blake3 in the GOR project could have provided a more level playing field, enabling GPU miners to compete more effectively with their ASIC-wielding rivals. It was a tempting prospect that resonated with the idealistic GPU sentiment within the mining community.

But then, the plot twist. GOR didn't go with Blake3 after all. Instead, they launched on kHeavyHash, the same algorithm used by Kaspa. This wasn't just a slight shift in technical details but a significant departure from what had been anticipated. The promise of Blake3, with all its misguided ASIC-resistant allure, was replaced by the reality of kHeavyHash. The implications were profound, and the response from the community was mixed at best.

Kyiv Pool's varied and sometimes enigmatic remarks on Discord only deepened and muddied the mystery, fueling confusion and debates. The shift from Blake3 to kHeavyHash was not a simple change in direction; it was a complex and somewhat contradictory decision that brought questions of technology, trust, and transparency to the forefront. Far from being just another crypto project, Gorbaniov became an unfolding drama that underscored the importance of clear communication and a thorough understanding of the underlying technology. It's a stark reminder that things are rarely as simple as they seem in the fast-paced realm of digital currencies.

Still with me? Good, because Kyiv Pool wasn't done shaking things up. He casually dropped the bombshell that they had a Kaspa hard fork testnet up and running. And not just running but functioning perfectly, in line with the original creators' intentions. One could almost hear the collective gasp from the cryptosphere. They made it seem like spawning new coins on the Kaspa algo was as simple as creating a Microsoft Word document. Oh, and in case you were wondering, Kyiv Pool also shared that creating a new coin was an entirely different game than just buying, selling, or mining them. So is it complicated or not? Just one of the many paradoxes he voiced.

Kyiv Pool's announcement about the Gorbaniov project had undoubtedly made waves, but it was what came next that turned those waves into a tsunami. As inquiries about how to purchase GOR coins began to surface—because, let's face it, everyone's always on the hunt for the next big gem—the response from Kyiv Pool was as unexpected as it was baffling:

Telegram Message

"You want to buy some of our coins, correct? We submitted paperwork to register our GOR coin with American SEC, so once we get approval there will be a legitimate way to buy it. Next week we will launch mainnet, so you can mine GOR on three mining pools, pplns and solo. Network difficulty is low and block reward will be high in the beginning."

Now, this statement might seem benign on the surface, but it's as out of place as a fish on a bicycle in proof of work land. Why? Because if the coin was indeed fair-launched and decentralized, as claimed on their website, there would be no need to register with the SEC or wait for approval to buy it. In other words, it's like saying you need permission to breathe air—it doesn't add up. What would have made sense is the fact that there should be no coins mined yet to even sell. Why wasn't that the main focus and answer?

“Fair-launch” as stated on the GOR homepage.

This announcement was more than a red flag; it was a glaring neon sign flashing "This. Is. Messed. Up." It turned heads, raised eyebrows, and set keyboards clattering across the community. The smell of something fishy was in the air, and people were starting to notice.

With this new piece of the puzzle, the enigmatic nature of GOR was becoming increasingly apparent. The switch from Blake3 to kHeavyHash, the ambiguous statements on Discord, and now this inexplicable mention of the SEC—it was all adding up to a picture that was anything but clear.

Enter a Bitcoin Talk user who was unafraid to call it as they saw it. Their insight was as straightforward as it was alarming:

Bitcoin Talk response on the Gorbaniov Thread

"This is a lie, there is no asic resistance, he is launching same kaspa algo and sets mining pools to solo.

Why? Because he will proxy all of your traffic to kaspa pools and try to get kaspa solo blocks off them using your hashrate while proxy rewarding you some worthless coins.

If you own KS0 or other asics don't even think of putting them on this as you will be losing 200$+ of kaspa per day."

The weight of these words cannot be overstated. This wasn't just an opinion or an idle guess; it was an accusation pointing directly at an alleged scheme to reroute miners' efforts from Gorbaniov to Kaspa for their KAS mining rewards. It was a claim that, if true, would expose a level of deceit that is rare for even Wallstreet.

Pool mining errors on the “wallet” page.

This post didn't just add to the noise—it pierced through it, shining a spotlight on what could be a profoundly troubling reality. The initial allure of GOR, once buoyed by promises of ASIC resistance and a new era for GPU miners, imploded shortly after its 'fair launch' on July 10th, 2023, an event that happened suddenly and was barely announced. Wallets failed, rewards were never given, there was no node, and pool mining errors on the “wallet” cast a shadow of doubt, distrust, and a growing sense of betrayal over the project.

The Gorbaniov project had transitioned from a tale of technological promise to a sordid drama filled with twists and turns. The community, ever-vigilant and spurred on by users' revelations, continued to probe and question. What started as a potential gem in the rough now looked more like fool's gold.

The implications of these failures were more seismic than a 9.0 earthquake on the crypto-Richter scale. If the allegations were true, it would mean that the GOR project was effectively hijacking miners' computational power for their own gain, siphoning off coins while leaving the miners with nothing more than the GOR equivalent of Monopoly money. It would be like mining for gold and discovering that you've been digging in the desert, offering nothing more than sand.

Trust, as they say, is hard to come by and easy to lose. The collapse of GOR's network, the absence of mining rewards, and the mysterious pool mining errors have all contributed to a massive trust deficit within the community. But one thing's for sure: in the high-stakes game of hunting for gems, it pays to keep your eyes open. The lines between fact and fiction can blur faster than a quantum bit flipping states.

Whether you're a miner, an investor, or a curious bystander, the troubling reality of GOR gives an all-new appreciation for genuine contributors and a project such as Kaspa.

The Book of Kaspa eBook Will Be Available for Free Download from 08/14 - 08/18 on Amazon

"The Book of Kaspa: Realizing the Nakamoto Dream," written by N.R. Crowningshield. Dive headfirst into the digital realm of Kaspa, an ingenious cryptocurrency redefining how we see digital finance. Built on an innovative BlockDAG architecture and powered by the robust GHOSTDAG protocol, Kaspa is ready to sprint ahead of traditional blockchain systems like Bitcoin and Ethereum.